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Our company’s objective is to be the link between Latin American young talent and European companies seeking to strengthen their companies by hiring well educated, service oriented, young people, in the tourism industry from Latin America.

Acquiring international experience enriching your resume, and giving added value with experience in one of the most visited continents.

I am looking for a job abroad

Looking to hire

"We believe that, apart from the fact that Mexico has highly trained professionals in tourism and gastronomy, the cheerful and hospitable nature of the Latin culture is an invaluable asset for companies seeking new talent."



In Mexico and in many Latin American countries, it is very popular to study tourism, gastronomy, and hotel management. Every year thousands of students graduate looking for jobs.

In our Latin countries, International experience is highly valued and respected.

The possibility of working in Europe, is a dream and aspiration for many of these young and talented individuals.



1.Makes agreements with European employers ( hotel chains, restaurants, venues,etc) in order for them to receive CV’s to fill their job openings.

2.Create CV’s “job banks” of qualified and talented individuals from Latin America, interested in working abroad.

3.“Match making” between employer and employee

4.Support with the process of obtaining a working visa

5.Provide “cultural training” for faster, better adjustment to European culture and employer expectations.

6.“On site” support to help new employee with any questions or doubts about European ways


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